The importance
of organized living
Being organized is the most important criteria for success.
The price we have to pay for being disorganized is very heavy indeed.
Unfortunately the price is not evident immediately but is felt when it strikes
at a later date. Most of the times, it is not possible to undo the damage that
has been caused due to disorganization. Organized behavior on the other hand
pays rich dividends. These are also not apparent immediately but in the long
term they have a multiplier effect. We see examples of both types of behaviors
in daily life. The overweight person, the person who has misplaced important
documents, a person perpetually late for his appointments, a person in
financial trouble, a student who has failed the exams, a office with chaotic
scenes, disturbed family relations, all have to more or less extent origins in
disorganization. On the other hand when things run smoothly like a well oiled
machine, there is evidence of organization.
Being organized is a good habit. Like all good habits it
takes daily inputs of energy and attention. Disorganized behavior hurts the
conscience and causes negative feelings. This leads to lack of positive energy
and thus fuels further disorganized behavior. It is a self feeding loop
spiraling downwards. On the other hand if organized behavior is nurtured, it
leads to small successes which create a positive self feeding loop spiraling
upwards. To cultivate any good habit or to get out of a bad habit it takes
determination, energy and awareness. Though these words may look daunting they
are not as difficult as they seem. It just takes a switch of attitude to bring
about the change. It is true that ‘Attitudes are more important than facts’.
So how can one become more organized?
The correct attitude: A positive attitude is
most important. Positive attitude does not only mean being on the high all the
time. It means a steady and persevering determination to achieve what we have
set to achieve. There will be ups and downs during life. A positive attitude is
one which can take the rough and the smooth with equality, with a calm and
steady mind. Being flexible and changing plans where ever necessary yet keeping
the bigger picture unchanged.
Being ‘Aware’: Being aware means being aware of
the situation, being in the ‘here and now’. This also is possible with
practice. Our mind is constantly shifting into the future and into the past.
This is important for planning and survival but is detrimental if the thinking
of past and future is uncontrolled. Shifting the focus to the present,
consciously, time and again is awareness. There is another meaning to awareness
which is, looking at situations from outside. Literally thinking as if one is
observing the situation from outside one’s body as a third person. This helps
to bring the situation into perspective and gives a rational approach to
solving problems because one does not associate the problems as one’s own but
that of another.
Planning: Planning involves prioritizing. Like
with all resources, there are always fewer resources and more demands. Time is
a scarce resource. In fact it is the scarcest resource in the world. The funny
part of it is that we are not aware of its scarcity until the time has passed
us by. It is important to use time like a precious resource. This means
deciding what deserves the time given to it. Planning should be done keeping in mind the
bigger goals. It is good to have a ‘Whole to Part’ approach. This means setting
major goals and then breaking them down into smaller parts which can be
incorporated into a daily routine.
Changing from a disorganized life to an
organized one is not easy and the effort might fail time and again. It is
important to keep on trying to improve. There are several tools available today
which range from diaries to computers and smart phones. Even a simple pocket
diary can be a good organizing tool. What is important in staying organized is
the doing. Like the Nike motto says ‘JUST DO IT’.
Aniruddha Kolhatkar